13 research outputs found

    Representasi Wanita Indonesia Pada Foto Jurnalistik (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes pada Foto Jurnalistik “Pengukuhan Paskibraka” dalam Media Online Tempo.Co)

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    The phenomenon of picture is still a public concern. The photo appearance gets a serious attention since it has a perfect capability to represent. The journalism photo is showed in a various terms and concepts that are interpreted by photographers. Every photographer can send his/her mind through photo to be interpreted by the public. The sign as something that can be perceived by sense refers to object which can represent the mind of sign users. Such sign of a photo can be observed and anaylized on its meaning with semiotic method. The photo of this research was Subekti’s photo published in TEMPO.CO online news website whose theme was “Paskibraka” in an online news entitled “Siswi SMAN 67 Jakarta Nilam Sukma, Paskibraka Pembawa Bendera” which was published at 12.45 (IWST) on the 17th of August, 2016. The photo shows a member of Paskibraka ‘kissing’ Indonesia’s Flag. The connotation of the photo can be interpreted as a loyality of an Indonesian for his/her country. However, the photo can also be interpreted as a criticism by Indonesian women for their disparagement judged by their own country. The Indonesian women not only want to cook in the kitchen, but also they wish to build the country as the proof of their love. It can be seen by point of view of the photo which is made by Eye Level technique that audiences appears parallel to the subject having meaning of parallel, similarity, and equality connotation

    Perancangan Branding UMKM Mr & Mrs Cake Shop Lombok

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    Mr & Mrs Cake Shop merupakan salah satu UMKM yang memproduksi berbagai macam jenis cake, cupcake, cookies, dan pastry. Mr & Mrs Cake Shop menjual produk-produk kuenya secara online, namun kesadaran masyarakat atau brand awareness atas kehadiran usaha kue inipun cenderung rendah. Jika dilihat dari kondisi sekarang, permasalahan yang timbul dari usaha Mr & Mrs Cake Shop ini dikarenakan tidak mempunyai identitas usaha dalam penerapannya. Untuk itu solusi yang akan dilakukan dalam memperkenalkan produk usaha kue Mr & Mrs Cake Shop Lombok yaitu difokuskan dengan merancang dan menciptakan identitas usaha berupa logo yang sangat dibutuhkan usaha tersebut untuk mengenalkan identitasnya. Identitas usaha sangat penting untuk kemajuan suatu usaha atau bisnis dengan logo sebagai salah satu unsur penting dalam pengaplikasian visual branding. Branding memiliki peran sebagai ujung tombak pemasaran dalam suatu usaha. Kekuatan branding mampu menggambarkan keunggulan suatu produk, pembeda dari para pesaing, dan sebagai identitas eksklusif yang menjadi dasar pondasi bagaimana sistem suatu usaha bekerja. Adapun metode pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menggunakan metode konsultasi/pendampingan. Dalam hal ini pemilik UMKM Mr & Mrs Cake Shop menjelasakan profil usahanya, baik itu tentang informasi produk, sejarah usaha, target konsumen, analisis kompetitor hingga memaparkan berbagai persoalan yang dihadapi dan menghambat perkembangan usaha, sedangkan tim pengabdi akan memberikan solusi penyelesaian masalah dengan membantu untuk merancang dan menciptakan identitas usaha melalui proses branding Mr & Mrs Cake Shop. Hasil yang akan dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu terciptanya sebuah branding sebagai bentuk identitas usaha dari Mr & Mrs Cake Shop. Dengan adanya identitas usaha tersebut, maka usaha tersebut akan lebih mudah untuk diingat oleh masyarakat luas terutama masyarakat yang berada di Pulau Lombok. sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan angka penjualan serta profit usaha tersebut serta dapat membuka peluang bagi Mr & Mrs Cake Shop untuk mengembangkan usahanya lebih luas lagi

    Perancangan Media Video Company Profile “LPK Logika Internasional”

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    To improve service quality, a company must be able to design an informative and persuasive promotional media. LPK Logika Internasional is a company engaged in Japanese language training and courses in the city of Mataram. The problem with this company is a significant decrease in the number of students from year to year. Also, the geographic location that is less strategic makes the company's popularity low so that it affects its existence. This study discusses designing a video company profile at LPK Logika Internasional as useful media information and company promotion. The research method used is the design method (Visual Communication Design), which starts from object/problem analysis, synthesis or data processing, and implementation. The results of this research are in the form of an informative and persuasive, informative and persuasive work of Video Company Profile of the LPK Logika International company. This work expected to be a solution to introduce and promote the company's profile to the fullest

    Perancangan Identitas Visual dan User Interface Aplikasi JUALOMBOK

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    The development of technology and multimedia at this time has been developing rapidly, severalmultimedia applications have also been created and used in various fields. One of its uses is inthe field of e-commerce. Jualombok application is one of the e-commerce that is developing inLombok Island, but it is still tricky in establishing visual identity. In building the right use, acompany needs a visual identity and the correct User Interface for its application. Therefore, inthis study, the author will design a visual identity and User Interface for the JUALOMBOKApplication for the Jualombok marketplace application that has a focus on helping entrepreneurson the island of Lombok develop local MSMEs to promote and sell their products. Thisapplication was designed on November 13, 2017, by one of the companies in the city of Mataram,namely Cv. Sol Interactive. However, the design stage is only limited to the plan because theessential company is information technology, multimedia, and system integration. This researchis a qualitative study by conducting interviews with the company to get the data needed by theauthor relating to the company and the application of Jualombok. The concept used in this studyis the concept of local wisdom in the visual form and color of the logo for the user interfacecharacteristic of the island of Lombok in the log-in display on the user.User Interface Design Juallombok application presents a typical photo of the island of Lombok,namely rice barns and Songket cloth from the Sasak tribe, so that users still recognize thisapplication as an original application made by the company on Lombok Island despite having amodern look. So that both the visual identity and user interface will still remind the audience onthe island of Lombok, following what is desired by the compan


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    Decision Support System provides problem solving with semi structured and unstructured conditions. Decision Support System also has a role in the medical world, used in diagnosing diseases based on examination of patients. But often occurs less implementation due to the system interface interface that is not in accordance with the wishes of users. System interface interface tested there are 3 stages, namely anamnesis stage, physical examination stage, and examination. The choices given to the respondents are 3 interface design with various dialogue techniques for the anamnesis and physical examination phase ie Natural Language Process, Menu System and Filling Form and 2 interface design for supporting investigation ie Windowing System and Graphic Interaction. After the respondents made a choice on the questionnaire sheet, statistical tests were performed based on the Technology Acceptance Model. The result of the analysis shows the design according to the respondent's wishes on the decision support system to diagnose the disease at the anamnesis stage and physical examination stage is the design of the interface system with the filling form because of the larger R square model value at each stage of the interface design Natural Language Process and Menu System , while the supporting stage is the graphical interface interaction design on the graphical display, because of the larger R square model values ​​at each stage of the windowing system interface design


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    West Nusa Tenggara is one of the provinces in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which has two large islands, namely Lombok Island and Sumbawa Island with a central government located in the city of Mataram. Lombok Island has a variety of traditional culinary and has its own uniqueness, for example is Ares which is made from young banana or kedebong banana. However, there is another problem behind the traditional culinary diversity on the island of Lombok, namely the lack of knowledge of young people about traditional culinary on the island of Lombok. The purpose of this service is to make a traditional culinary book that discusses the traditional culinary on the island of Lombok. This design uses design thinking method in order to get the right problem solving solution in designing the work. The traditional culinary book "Negeri Lombok" was composed with so many visual markers such as the songket keker motif and a variety of photography that displays the traditional culinary of Lombok so that readers more quickly recognize and understand the content delivered. to want to learn and preserve the traditional cuisine of the region.ABSTRAK. Nusa Tenggara Barat adalah salah satu provinsi di Negara Kesatuan RepublikIndonesia yang memiliki dua kepulauan besar yaitu Pulau Lombok dan Pulau Sumbawadengan pusat pemerintahan yang berada di Kota Mataram. Pulau Lombok memiliki kulinertradisional yang beranekaragam dan memiliki keunikan tersendiri, contohnya adalah Aresyang berbahan dasar pelepah atau kedebong pisang yang masih muda. Namun, terdapatpermasalahan lain dibalik keanekaragaman kuliner tradisional di Pulau Lombok yaknikurangnya pengetahuan generasi muda mengenai kuliner tradisional di Pulau Lombok.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat sebuah buku kuliner tradisional yangmembahas tentang kuliner tradisional di Pulau Lombok. Metode penelitian yang digunakandalam penelitian ini adalah metode desain (Desain Komunikasi Visual) melalui tahapananalisis, sintesis dan evaluasi. Buku kuliner tradisional “Negeri Lombok†disusun denganbegitu banyak memuat penanda visual seperti motif songket keker dan ragam fotografiyang menampilkan kuliner tradisional Lombok sehingga pembaca lebih cepat mengenaldan memahami konten yang disampaikan.Dengan perancangan buku visual kulinertradisional ini diharapkan dapat menarik minat generasi muda untuk mau mempelajari danmelestarikan kuliner tradisional daerahnya

    Perancangan Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Tentang Bahaya Balap Liar Di Jalan Udayana

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    Wild motor racing is an activity that is negative and full of danger both to themselves and others. Illegal racing activities occur because of negative associations among teenagers and a lack of attention from parents, families and their environmental communities. To overcome the possibility of unwanted things getting worse, socialization and direction is needed to teenagers or young children, through various means or can use various kinds of information media, one of which is public service announcements. The purpose of designing public service announcements about the dangers of illegal racing is to increase public awareness of orderly driving on the highway, educate the people of Mataram City and create a safe and comfortable atmosphere. Public Service Announcements to be designed using the analysis method 5W + 1H. The public service advertisement that the writer designed was aimed at the city of Mataram, especially on Udayana Street with the main priority target audience being the youth and the general public. The design is themed about the dangers of wild racing using print media in the form of billboards. It is expected that the existence of Public Service Advertisements through billboards can give awareness to illegal racers not to carry out illegal racing activities, provide references to similar studies to make designs that can really hit the hearts of the target audience and the government is expected to be able to take more real action in dealing with the dangers of wild motor racing

    E-Alert Application in Facing Earthquake Disaster

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    Disaster is a phenomenon that has a destructive effect and arises with or without predictions that always accompany human life. This damaging impact can be in the form of loss of life and / or property loss so that it disrupts the natural and social order. Lombok is one of the islands in the group of islands in West Nusa Tenggara. The island of Lombok is flanked by two large faults, the Flores Back Arc Thrust (FBAT) which extends north of Nusa Tenggara to Bali and Megathrust on the south of Lombok. Seeing from the great potential of earthquake disasters that can occur at any time on the island of Lombok, it is necessary to prepare disaster mitigation well in order to minimize the impact of earthquake disaster risk. From the problems outlined, the researchers plan to create a mobile-based earthquake e-standby application. This study aims to create a mobile-based earthquake e-alert application that can be used to view the latest earthquake information, information for determining the nearest evacuation location and educational media related to earthquake disaster awareness. The stages of the research use the prototype development method with stages, namely the study of literature, collection of needs, data collection, needs analysis, design, prototype implementation, prototype evaluation, implementation and testing and conclusions. The conclusion of this research is the construction of a mobile-based earthquake e-alert application. This application is useful for improving, understanding and public awareness of the risk of earthquake disasters and as an educational media to create disaster resilient communitie

    Analisis Resepsi terhadap Isu “Primitif” pada Reality Show Primitive Runaway Episode Negeri Di Atas Awan Suku Sambori pada Mahasiswa Bima di STMIK Bumigora Mataram

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana analisis resepsi penonton terhadap isu “primitif” pada program acara reality show Primitive Runaway episode Negeri Di Atas Awan Suku Sambori pada kalangan mahasiswa Bima di STMIK Bumigora Mataram. Teori encoding/decoding dan relasi kuasa sebagai acuan dengan metode penelitian analisis resepsi. Dari hasil analisis beberapa informan dengan latar belakang suatu adat dan budaya yang berbeda menunjukan posisi dan dan identitas yang berbeda pula. Penonton menginterpretasikan teks media sesuai dengan keadaan sosial dan kebudayaan tertentu. Dalam penelitian ini melibatkan mahasiswa yang berasal dari Bima yang melanjutkan perkuliahan di STMIK Bumigora Mataram, baik yang asli Bima maupun pendatang. Informan Didi sebagai masyarakat pendatang di Kabupaten Bima menyimpulkan sesuai dengan yang disaksikan di acara Primitive Runaway, ia meyakini bahwa masyarakat Sambori merupakan masyarakat primitif. Namun, informan Wulan yang merupakan penduduk asli Kabupaten Bima yang mengetahui segala kebudayaan dan adat istiadat masyarakat Sambori menegaskan komunitas Sambori bukanlah masyarakat primitif, justru ia menuding pelaku media berusaha membalikkan realitas sosial komunitas Sambori agar mendapatkan keuntungan materi dari acara tersebut


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    Artikel ini mendikusikan tentang representasi Islam dalam film Hollywood berjudul JavaHeat yang diproduksi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis semiotika Roland Barthesmelalui tiga tahap pemaknaan: denotatif, konotatif, dan mitos. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwarepresentasi Islam dengan cita rasa Hollywood terbagi menjadi dua. Pertama, Islam Arab yangdirepresentasikan sebagai umat penuh kekerasan, hipokrit, dan lekat dengan terorisme. Kedua,Islam bergaya Amerika yang direpresentasikan sebagai Islam pluralis dan bersedia melakukannegosiasi dengan Amerika Serikat